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Scranton Pool League

Become Sponsor

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Why advertise on

Our website offers your business the opportunity to be front and center to more than 100,000+ views a year.

What else is included with advertising on our league website?

Social Media mentions, your brand will be posted on our social media channels throughout the year. ( YouTube, Facebook, Twitter )

We are currently in the process of designing a T-Shirt that will be used as a fundraiser for Toys for Tots.

What Kind Of Target Audience Does SPL Have?

89% of our visitors are interested in the game of pool and accessories

61% of our visitors are above the age of 43 years old

68% of our visitors return to our website weekly

55% of our visitors spent on average 4+ minutes each visit

61% of members report they enjoy shopping at a local business that supports the league

92% of league members attend our league parties



What Was The Marketing Campaign Outcome?

We have found great results with our members supporting business that support the league. Traditionally sponsors of the league offer members a discount for using their service or purchasing their products.

Costs Of Advertising On Our Website?

Since the creation of our newly designed website we have found that more then 100,000K + views within one year time period. Our website advertising campaign starter packages is only $100 so that’s less then a penny for each view.

Traditionally a digitial advertising campaign shows a 10% click with a nearly 4% converision. gives companies the opportunity to update banner ads to target potential customers.